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ENS Labs Proposes ENSv2

A proposal to revamp ENS core architecture and extend the protocol to a L2 network.

Quick Take

  • ENS Labs proposes to extend ENS to L2.

  • Polygon introduces Pessimistic Proofs.

  • Lodestar outlines its Ethereum roadmap vision.

  • Morpho introduces the Morpho Stack.

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ENS Labs Proposes ENSv2

ENS Labs introduced ENSv2, a proposal to revamp the core architecture of ENS and extend the protocol to an L2 network. The upgrade aims to address the scalability and cost issues of Ethereum L1. ENSv2 will provide users with improved scalability, reduced gas fees, and enhanced features for managing their domains. The redesign involves replacing the existing flat registry with a hierarchical system where each domain and its subdomains have dedicated registries. Users will still have the option to migrate their domains back to L1 if desired. The ENS Labs team is considering building on zkSync’s ZK Stack, although the L2 of choice is still under discussion.

Polygon Introduces Pessimistic Proofs

Polygon introduced Pessimistic Proofs, a new type of zero-knowledge proof that assumes that all connected chains may be unreliable. Pessimistic Proofs are designed to safeguard the Agglayer from potential vulnerabilities on any individual chains. The Agglayer is a network of chains connected to Ethereum through a shared bridge contract. Pessimistic Proofs work by ensuring that no chain can falsely claim deposits or withdraw more funds than have been deposited. The Agglayer performs checks on state updates and internal accounting in relation to the deposits recorded on the chains' L1 contracts. After verifying that all updates are accurate, a pessimistic proof is generated to confirm the legitimacy of all transactions across the bridge.

Lodestar Pectra Roadmap Vision

Lodestar, the Ethereum consensus client managed by ChainSafe, presented a strategic roadmap for Ethereum's development. Lodestar recommends closing the Pectra inclusion list to additional EIPs, aside from CL EIPs 7495 and 7688, in order to deploy Pectra as soon as Q4 of this year. Notably, EOF and PeerDAS would not be included in Pectra. The current Pectra EIP inclusion list features eight proposals, including precompile EIP-2537, historical block hash EIP-2935, supply validator deposit EIP-6110, EL exits EIP-7002, Max EB EIP-7251, and account abstraction EIP-7702. For the Osaka upgrade, Lodestar recommends transitioning all Merkle Patricia Trees (MPTs) to SSZ formats. The strategy aims to avoid extending the implementation timeline by favoring incremental upgrades.

Morpho Introduces The Morpho Stack

Morpho introduced the Morpho Stack, a new DeFi architecture that merges the benefits of monolithic and modular systems, similar to Polygon's Agglayer. Morpho Blue is at the core of the Morpho Stack, which facilitates the permissionless creation of isolated markets. The stack consists of modular layers, the MetaMorpho risk management layer, and a public allocator for shared liquidity.

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