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Vyper Debuts New Module System

The release introduces a new module system that enhances code reuse across smart contracts.

Quick Take

  • Vyper releases v0.4.0.

  • Arbitrum STEP announces RWA recommendations.

  • Base plans fault proofs on Base Sepolia.

  • The EF suffers a mailing list breach.

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Vyper New Debuts Module System

Vyper, a pythonic EVM smart contract language, released version 0.4.0. The release introduces a new module system that enhances code reuse across smart contracts. The system features two types of library modules: stateless and stateful. Stateless modules can define functions, events, and constants across contracts without retaining state between calls or transactions. On the other hand, stateful modules can bundle together functions and variables, and support an ownership system that manages access and permissions within the module. Stateful modules are ideal for scenarios where shared data or restricted access is needed. Among other features, Vyper v0.4.0 also introduces Venom, a new optimization pipeline designed for the EVM. Vyper is the second-most popular programming language among Ethereum developers.

Arbitrum STEP RWA Recommendations

The Arbitrum Stable Treasury Endowment Program (STEP) committee, consisting of GFXlabs, NorthLakesLegal, Nethermind, Steakhouse, and Karpatkey, recommended six real-world asset (RWA) products for the strategic investment of 35 million ARB tokens to diversify the Arbitrum DAO treasury. The selected RWA products and allocations include 11 million ARB for BlackRock’s BUIDL Fund via Securitize, 6 million ARB each for Ondo’s USDY and Superstate’s USTB, and 4 million ARB each for Mountain USDM OpenEden TBill, and Backed Finance bIB01 product. Arbitrum governance will vote next month to approve the recommended investments.

Fault Proofs On Base Sepolia

Base plans to enable Fault Proofs on the Base Sepolia testnet in mid-July. Earlier this month, Optimism activated Fault Proofs on OP mainnet, although adopting the upgrade must be done by each OP Stack chain independently. Fault proofs introduce permissionless output proposals and permissionless challenges. Permissionless output proposals allow anyone to submit claims about the state of the chain, and permissionless challenges, enable anyone to dispute fraudulent claims. The activation transitions the chain to Stage 1 decentralization. Bridge operators on Base Sepolia will need to adjust their bridging logic to support the changes.

EF Mailing List Breach

The Ethereum Foundation's mailing list was compromised, as disclosed by Tim Beiko, a core developer and the lead of the All Core Devs (ACD) meetings. The breach appears to have occurred at SendPulse, the email automation service used by the foundation. An attacker managed to send a phishing email from to subscribers, falsely promoting a staking collaboration with Lido. Tim Beiko later confirmed that the foundation has locked down access to the mailing list.

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