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Celebrating 2 Years of ETH Daily

Today, the ETH Daily trailer goes live onchain, reflecting my journey since 2022.

Gm frens,

In 2022, I started ETH Daily to keep the world updated on Ethereum, consistently covering innovations like The Merge and ZK-EVM races. Since then, the podcast has now hit 530 episodes, 300,000 downloads, and 3,600 hours listened.

In June, I took ETH Daily onchain with Pods Media.

  • Collect pods, earn points ⓵

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  • Get recognized as a supporter 🏆

It's the beginning of a better podcast-to-listener experience 🤝

Support my mission by collecting a copy below!

Today, the ETH Daily trailer goes live onchain, reflecting my journey since 2022. My mission is to keep you informed about Ethereum. Here's to the next 500 episodes 🫡

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