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Celo Selects OP Stack For CEL2

A testnet deployment of CEL2 on the OP Stack will go live this summer.

This story was featured in Episode #448.

Celo Selects OP Stack For CEL2

Celo Network, an EVM-compatible L1 blockchain, has selected the OP Stack as its tech stack to develop its L2 network. Following approval by Celo governance, a testnet deployment on the OP Stack will go live this summer. The initiative to migrate Celo's L1 chain into an L2 network was first introduced in July 2023. Since the initial proposal, cLabs has evaluated various rollup stacks, including Arbitrum Orbit, Polygon CDK, and the ZK Stack. The OP Stack was selected as the most suitable choice for Celo’s L2 transition due to its quick time to production, Ethereum alignment, and growth opportunities through the Optimism Collective.

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